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The Mitzvah Fairies at Gan Shelanu Preschool Center always find ways to give back to our community in a unique and dedicated way. Introducing Ms. Ilanit and Ms. Donna as the official Gan Shelanu Preschool Center Faires who not only practice their important job at Gan Shelanu but lead their daily life in such a manner.

Giving back to others is a Jewish tradition of Ne-tina and at Gan Shelanu we get involved with many projects and events to give back those in need. Your children will learn best about the power of giving (Ne-tina) by experiencing firsthand how it makes others feel when you give.

Over the years we have created and participated in many events that were not only meaningful and fulfilling but also just as important and needed. At Gan Shelanu we take pride in our beautiful community and strive to make more memorable moments in the future to continue our Legacy and continue to help others.

Giving Back to Our Community

Please take a moment to view some of our projects/events: